Monday, November 5, 2007

What does the future hold?

I fear that the future holds more of the same. People are terrified of change. I adore quotations, so I present you with a morsel for thought: “The key to change... is to let go of fear.” (Rosanne Cash) Something needs to be done about the public divide on gay marriage, and there are so many other issues worth fighting for and over. So many... War, money. Things America has come to stand for. Enough that it seems that equal marriage rights for ALL should be simple common sense.

Until death does them part, marriage is a bond. A social contract in the most areligious terms. Why is this denied to same sex couples? Does their getting wed infringe on your constitutional rights? No, although you may disagree. While allowing homosexual couples to marry may alter the our conception of the institution of marriage, it would have a minimal effect on the nature of said institution. Even the fact of calling it an institution leads us to think of a civic or social element. I can understand that it may be against your own individual beliefs, but when should those come into play when discussing a nation and its citizens? All that is personal or individual should have a little or no impact on public policy. This issue regards “we, the people”. All of us. America has always enjoyed having numerous and numerable minorities, and they have eventually been given equal rights. In name, if not reality.

I know that in the future, same sex couples will be allow to be married. I believe it is only a question of time. The institution itself has already been changed, modified beyond its original meaning (case in point). Why not take one more step in the right direction, towards a modern marriage?


I always think best when I ask questions... So:

Why is gay marriage an important issue?

There is a significant portion of the population that identifies itself as gay, and they deserve equal rights, much like any other citizen. Discrimination is discrimination and it is still rampant.

How has this become an issue?

The Bible and traditional Christian beliefs state that homosexuality is a sin. And yet...?

Homophobia? Fear of what is different?

Seeing as a radical change often disgruntles one or more of the involved parties, a gradual route should be opted for, and taken. Starting today. Envision the implementation of a nation-wide civil union in the next 2 years, simply as a starting point towards further equality. One could hope for federally approved same-sex marriages within the next 5 years.

This issue is dividing two social groups that are already quite separated and, quite frankly, the issues that modern society should be worried about are others. Humans are noted for their adaptability, several more changes and we may reach tolerance.